Zakat and Sadaqa

What is difference between zakat and sadaqa?

There is a difference between zakat and sadaqa however both are given to help and support the poor and needy depending on the meeting certain requirements. We will go through what zakat and the different types of sadaqa are in this article to help you to better understand and decide on the type of donation you would like to donate to the Zakat and Sadaqa Foundation.


Zakat is one of the five pillars of Islam, the five pillars of Islam being (1) Shahadah, (2) Salah, (3) Ramadan, (4) Zakat and (5) Hajj. Donating zakat is a form of ibadah (worship) in Islam as zakat donated is to cleanse and purify one’s wealth and also themselves.


The islamic concept of zakat is beautiful and much loved by Allah Azawajal. Allah loves those who provide and support the poor and needy.


As mentined earlier, zakat is one of the five pilllars of Islam hence comes into the category of fardh which means it is compulsory upon all Muslims to donate zakat if applicable to them. Zakat is only applicable to Muslims men and women who are sane and meet the nisab threshold. When zakat is applicable then 2.5% of the individual’s wealth must be given as a form of zakat every year.


Sadaqa is best translated as charity, when the term sadaqa is used it is referring to the word charity.

Sadaqa (charity) is also a much loved act in the same way giving Zakat is loved by Allah Azawajal.

There are many types of sadaqa (charity), each one will be listed below with a simplified meaning to help you understand what each type of sadaqa is.

Sadaqa Jariya