Zakat and Sadaqa Foundation is a UK based charity.

Zakat and Sadaqa Foundation is inspired by the islamic teachings of empathy and generousity. Zakat and Sadaqa Foundation aims to serve the poor and needy in the UK and around the world.

We have decided, in our name and our family’s name, and in the name of all Muslims from the past, present and future that all the good work completed by the Zakat and Sadaqa Foundation is presented to Allah Azwajal on the Day of Judgement on behalf of all Muslims. We ask Allah Azawajal to accept us and the work we do in the Zakat and Sadaqa Foundation and put it in the balance of the good deeds of all Muslims.

Zakat and Sadaqa Foundation has a 100% donation policy so all your donations can reach those who are in need. Our direct and indirect costs are covered through direct donations or through Gift Aid.


CEO & Founder

Zakat and Sadaqa Foundation